As set out in law 2003./CXXV./63.§(4.) on equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities, government institutions, local authorities and businesses whith government majority ownership employing over 50 people must devlop and accept an equal opportunities plan. Organisations applying for national or european funds must also have an equal opportunities policy to receive said funds and their employees must also participate in equal opportunities training or training related to a specific equal opportunities target group. mtd Consulting Community draws up equal opportunities plans and provides trainings that deal with the following protected groups:
· women,
· older people (in the workplace),
· Roma individuals,
· disabled employees and/or employees with compromised health,
· family people, those caring for small children
The courses deal with these (and other, on request) groups’ social status and the methods of providing equal opportunities for them. As a result of our equal opportunities plans your organisation will not only be compliant with tender and legal requirements but will also receive a cost-effective HR toolset to increase employee satisfaction and dedication.
What does the Equal Opportunities Plan cover?
We systematically screen the organisation examining the main disadvantaged groups from the following viewpoints:
- rules & procedures
- training & development
- performance assessments, wage, career planning
- promotion, recruitment, dismissal, retirement
- atypical employment practices
- work environment, health preservation, time management
- corporate support in childbearing / childraising
- work-life balance
- principle of equal treatment
The results of our Equal Opportunities Plan:
· Strenghthen your company’s CSR footprint and workplace diversity, which are important factors in the perception of your organsiation at home and abroad.
· Broad communication of your equal opportunities plan will lead to increased business success through improving your perception in the eyes of your stakeholders.
· The introduction of these measures will enable you to reach a broader pool of potential candidates during recruitment, facilitate the forming of a diverse circle of employees, and reduce the discrimination of disadvantaged groups. It will also help form a circle of employees loyal to your company and thus reduce (employee) turnover.
· A process is born which will guarantee the prevalence of the equal opportunities considerations and the requirement for equal treatment.
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